I had something written for today. I will share it sometime soon, it still is relevant but it is not what I am meant to bring forth today. That is how living holistically works. My recovering perfectionist, order seeking, and overplanning shadow self is uncomfortable with this new way of being that I have been called to follow. It wants to have everything work out as pictured in my overactive brain. Yet I have learned that is not the way of the universe. Because, as it reminded me this am, when I stop fighting it, and accept things exactly as they are right now, miracles happen. I can let go of things, and open to something so much bigger and better than I could ever have imagined. What is happening in my life right now is proof of this. I am able to bring the message forward to those who need it that each person enough, just as they are and that that unique light is exactly what is needed right now. In my former life of punching a clock, this was part of what I was shown was needed but no allowed yet in the structure I was in. No I get to do it as a part of my everyday work. I mean wow. How lucky am I that I am lead to do this, and I am grateful that you have been brought to me to hear it. Because if you are reading this, you needed to hear it. Acceptance is key. Following your own unique souls path is what it is a about. Integrating every part of yourself, including, as in my case, the recovering perfectionist, order seeking, overplanning shadow self, because that is what is needed. Love and fear, light and darkness. All is needed right now. Acceptance is key. It is what it is and you are loved no matter what. You are exactly what you need to be and that is more than enough. I leave you with this thought from Brene Brown, " No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I AM ENOUGH. It's going to bed at night thinking, yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn't change the truth that I am also Brave and Worthy of Love and Belonging. " The Gifts of Imperfection. Have an amazing day.
